Earl Weaver: Replay Only Manager, AIM 2012 version (check file dates for latest version) The enclosed manager, Earl Weaver, is a replay-only manager designed to manager the Baltimore Oriole franchises from 1968 to 1986. He's designed with AIM on and is best used with BFs limits on but this is not required. In order to use Weaver, move the enclosed four files into your BBW directory or folder. Weaver is programmed to mimic or imitate the style used by the Hall of Fame manager Weaver in his career. This includes his heavy emphasis on platoon hitters, especially in the latter part of his career. Weaver is not designed for draft league play. Users wishing to use a Weaver-imitation for such games should use either Earl Weaver I or Earl Weaver II. For additional managers and other programs, visit The Digital Skybox at: http://TheDigitalSkybox.com