Whitey Thompson: Version 4, Cross-Era, AIM Manager Edition 2014 INSTALLATION In order to install/use Thompson, you must the following four files into your BBW directory or folder: MgrThomp.dct, MgrThomp.msy, MgrThomp.lib, MgrThomp.mob You may put the files into a BBW sub-directory (season folder) but the manager will only be available if that season is loaded in League Manager. If you are using APBA 5.75, then the files must be placed in the MicroManagers folder located in your documents directory or folder. That's usually located here: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\APBA Games\Baseball\MicroManagers The exact wording may differ depending on which operating system you are using. If you can't find it, then do a search for a folder named "MicroManagers" with two capital "Ms." WHITEY THOMPSON Thompson, like his counterpart Ford Connor, does NOT set aside a rotation. He'll use all available pitchers (like Connor, these can be players whose primary position is pitcher OR players rated as a pitcher with one or more starts or seven or more relief appearances AND four or more decisions; for the latter, because LM does not assign readiness ratings, Thompson provides RRs for these players based on their durability ratings - a QS of "0" is given 42 workable batters, a "1" is given 40, a "2" is given 38, QS=3 is 36 and QS=4 is 34 - a QR of 1 is given 18 batters, a QR=2 is given 14 and a QR of 3 is given 10). Unlike Connor, Thompson selects Closers by saves totals. "Normal" closers have save totals of beteen 14 and 23. "Super" closers are those with 24 or higher saves. As with Connor, Thompson uses a "one inning" closer approach for those closers with a high QR (3), and a two or more inning closer approach with low QR relievers with "healthy" RRs (e.g., using a Quisenberry or Gossage of the 70s in the seventh/eighth). The best "supercloser" is selected by save totals (highest total is your primary closer). Other closers/superclosers will be used as setup pitchers if your primary supercloser is a one inning type reliever (or because of low RR, can only pitch one inning). Other points: (these are identical to those mentioned in the Connor file) Can be used for both DH and non-DH play; tends to "ignore" actual innings pitched for relievers (e.g., he'll use a slightly higher grade reliever with fewer appearances over another reliever with higher innings/appearances); blowout/rout sub strategies; aggressive w/pinchrunning to steal bases late when ahead. For additional information or for other managers, visit The Digital Skybox at TheDigitalSkybox.com